Coming Events...
DATE: Thursday, 8th August 2024
DEMO - Portraiture by Mike Skidmore
Time: 7 to 9 pm
DATE: Saturday, 14th September 2024
WORKSHOP - Life Drawing led by Karen Woods
TIME: 10 am to 2 pm​
Demonstrations and Workshops will be held at Antioch Centre in Copperworks Rd. Llanelli SA15 2NE. All of our events will be held in the Garden Room which has its own entrance indicated by the arrow above. The building is fully accessible for people with disabilities and there is generous car parking to the front.
Demonstrations on Thursday evenings are free to members, £5 to non members. Saturday workshops are £15 to members, £35 to non members.
To become a member you can download a form from the website or email:
No booking is required for Demonstrations, you can just turn up. Workshops, however, must be pre-booked and the fee paid before the day of the workshop; we cannot reserve your place until it is paid. The fee is non-refundable.
Bookings and Payments for the workshops are made through
Pat Hazard (Programme Secretary) - Tel: 07581 307900
Payments for workshops by Bank Transfer MUST include the workshop reference number and your surname. eg: W1 W3 Hazard.
When you are paying for the membership, you must use the
reference ‘Membership’ followed by your surname e.g. Membership Hazard.
Paying By Bank Transfer: Sort Code: 20-51-32 Acct No: 70577537